
Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is an enlargement of breast tissue in males. On the other had, excessive growth of the fat tissue itself is referred
to as pseudogynecomastia. Gynecomastia can result from many factors, such as obesity, hormonal and metabolic disturbances or intake of certain drugs. We also distinguish the so-called physiological gynecomastia which occurs during puberty and in the elderly.

Gynecomastia results in low self-esteem and general feeling of being unwell. In certain cases, the causes of gynecomastia are reversible and the enlargement is reduced or disappears after ca. 12 months from elimination of these factors. An example can be body mass reduction in overweight persons, control of hormonal disturbances in thyroid diseases or modification of administered drugs by the primary care physician. If the above solutions are ineffective or irreversible factors exist, surgical treatment is the solution.


There are two main methods of gynecomastia correction – liposuction and surgical resection. The purpose of the liposuction
procedure is reduction of the enlarged breasts or, in the case of pseudogynecomastia, removal of the excess fat tissue from the breasts.

The procedure consists in surgical removal of the excess breast tissue. The procedure is usually performed under general
anaesthesia. Depending on the degree of overgrowth and ptosis of the breasts as well as presence of excess loose skin, the
surgery can be performed using various skin approaches. Sometimes, excision of excess skin is also necessary.

The key to achieve satisfying results is properly planned treatment, adjusted to the individual clinical case. Therefore, during the consultation, I perform a comprehensive physical examination of the chest and discuss the patient's expectations for the end result, including placement of post-operative scars. It is sometimes necessary to run additional laboratory tests and imaging diagnostics or hold an endocrinological consultation. The goal of this is to determine and potentially eliminate the enlargement factors before commencing the proper surgical treatment.

Most cases of gynecomastia can be treated effectively using the liposuction technique. Whereas, in such cases as hard
consistency of the breast tissue or significant excess breast skin, it is necessary to apply surgical excision.

Breast reduction is noticeable immediately after the procedure. Sometimes, the area operated on becomes slightly or
moderately swollen, which condition persists for several days. The final appearance of the chest is achieved after 8-12 weeks, provided that post-operative indications are observed.

The treatment results are permanent, provided that balance diet is observed, BMI is minimised, and the original cause of gynecomastia is eliminated (e.g. drugs, body mass fluctuations).

Depending on the type of performed surgery, patient is discharged after observation on the day of the surgery or on the next day. During this time, the patient stays in comfortable conditions under care of qualified medical personnel.
Mild or moderate pain ailments may persist for several days after the procedure. Therefore, indicated pain relievers must be used in this period.

It is necessary to wear special compression garment shaping the chest for at least 6 weeks.

Returning to work is usually possible after 1-2 weeks in case of a light job, or 6 weeks in case of physical labour. Returning to cardio physical activity (cardio type exercises) is possible after ca. 2 weeks from the procedure. Full physical activity with additional load is recommended after 6 weeks.

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